Adige Philosophy

Rediscovery Of Adige Language’s Soul Will Rebring Humanity Freedom

Languages were the representation of humanity at the begining. Nearly all languages except Adige language lost their nature. Languages are only groups of sounds and given meanings nowadays and in history. When languages lost their representation power of humanity human beings created religions to represent themselves but this created only violence and terror for humanity. Language is not only for communicaton at the same time it is for representing and sharing our humanities. If we can represent ourselves
Let us have a look to Adige Language. Adiges are North Caucassia’s autochthonous people. Adiges have a language in which every sound has a deep meaning. If you browse in Adige Culture you see the humanity’s mathematical elements. Adige words represent Adige-humanbeing’s soul’s pysical shape in the world.

Let us begin our word journey from the word which is translated into English as “human being”. If you ask someone what human being is, he will say many things but he will not give the real meaning. Human being differs from other creatures but what makes him different is not clear in languages. Only learned knowledge is expressed when given its meaning. On the other hand, in Adige Language human being’s equivalent “tzıxu” means “the being who has awareness and whose life depends of awareness”. The word etymologically means “ the creature which is aware of the process of the universe and who has the ability of expressing it ,and whose life depends on this”.
Only clarity makes human being feel happy in reality. If something contains a little doubt human being doesn’t feel happy in reality. Our nature necessitates understanding and understanding makes us feel happy. Human being’s nature is represented clearly by the word “tzıxu”. If someone is aware of that he is a tzıxu, he is aware of his natures necessity.
Everyone has a superior value which shapes his life. This value is the core of the person’s being. Without the conciousness of being a tzıxu a human being does not reveal real himself at any time. If someone acceps something without the conciousness of being a tzıxu that thing is not a real part of him.
How does a tzıxu think? How does something becomes our part? How do we build ourselves?…
A tzıxu thinks with his godlike ability as a tzıxu. In every language except Adige language if you consider “thinking” you consider your head. On the other hand in Adige Language if you consider “thinking” you consider your heart.
What are the differences of these thinkings?…”Gupşşısen” is the word which is translated as “to think”. Gupşşısen means “evaluating with the godlike awareness and make the thing part of thyself”. The limit of the heart is not narrowed by the universe. This thinking is inside and above the universe. You can sense God only by “gupşşıse”. You feel God is positive, good, respectful. You see God’s real vision but you can not express it by the universal phenomenon. Thinking is limited by the universe. It can not reach out of the universe. It can understand all the phenomenon of the universe. Thinking never reaches the real God. It compares everything to universal elements. Brain supposes that there is a God but gupşşısen’s eyes touch God.
Gupşşısen builds humanity of the person and thinking builds the path for it in the universe. Gupşşısen is aware of every concept of godlike-humanity. A child’s gupşşısen’s and an adult’s gupşşısen’s awareness are same. An adult’s being differs because he used his gupşşısen ability and built himself much more.
A human being uses both thinking an gupşşısen at the same time. In other words people have two thinking centers inside them. One is their heart and the other is their brain. Brain is the universal processor. Heart is godlike processor. Brain is the mechanical part of human being just like a body’s hands. When we experience something we use our brain as our hands to get it. Everything we get becomes our part. If we add the experienced thing in a wrong way to us, it does not become our real part and our human body aches. Human being is like a building. Its achitect is heart. Its engineer is brain. Brain depends on heart heart depends on God. If the engineer makes mistake the building becomes perishable.
If a human being is not aware of his architect he cannot build a real building. His structure becomes only a sand castle. In short, we build ourselves by experiencing the universe by the sense of God or gupşşısen.
Accepting Values
If you do not have awareness about what you live, you are the slave of that thing. If you are a slave you do not have a value of yourself.
A human being should accept the thing he lives by knowing that he is a tzıxu. If he loses control of the things what he lives he can not build a real human-building of his. If any idea demands you to hand in all of your control to it, it is your real enemy. For exeple if you believe in a religion and if it demands all control, it will not give you any humanish value. You will be only a slave of it. Most religions demand all the control..Brain gives God universal values. Brain-god is an imaginary god who has human values. He gets angry, he forgives, he is hot, he is cold, he has his community….But heart sees the real God. It does ndt draw a picture. It feels you positiveness. marğuşş vezir savrum 20.12.2008 Saturday
Note: It is not finished

2 Rediscovery Of Adige Language’s Soul Will Rebring Humanity Freedom

It is translated as “love” but “love” does not represent the meaning.
In Adige language if you love a person, God or a flower in the same logical (heartal) way. Love is not a feeling that represents your attitude towards a thing because you get benefit from that. If you say to someone or something ” I love you.” in Adige language what you represent? In Adige language “F’ıwe wuzolhağur.” is translated as “I love you” but it is not a complete translation. If you say to someone or something”F’ıwe wuzolhağur.” you express: 1) I am aware of what you are. I clearly know and understand what you are. 2) I am aware that what you are is good/positive. 3)I am accepting things which come from you as positive and I am positoning positively towards you.
“F’ıwe wuzolhağur.”:seeing in a good (clear, aware) way, being aware of
:the seen thing is good, kind, thankful…
:being in a positive manner towards
An Adige does not accept any values which he is not aware of. He does not accept a darkful God. He believes in God when he clarifies God. He dos not get afraid of God but he respects God. He does not accept any value without “F’ıwe wuzolhağur.”..
An Adige loves a person because he is a positive value to his humanity.
An Adige loves a flower because its smell or appearance awakes a side of humanity inside himself..
Tuesday 17:33
Marğuşş Vezir Savrum

Some Adige Words

ЗЫ means “one=1″ in Adige language. It means one but represents the universe. ЗЫ means “the things they fill everywhere” and “the things they come together together inside a thing”. ЗЫ’s mening work as universe’s system. You know what Big Bang Theory is. ЗЫ confirms this theory.

Гупщысэ means “to think” but represents more. Гупщысэ means “to make self, according to godlikeness”. The place to think is heart in Adige language. In Гупщысэ “Гу” means “the place where there is godlike knowledge and where is active according to godlikeness”. “пщы” means “evaluating”. “сэ” means “self and to make self”. Гупщысэ means evaluating according to godlikeness and make a part of himself/herself. To think is not imagination. It is the work of real human being.

Marghuss Vezir Savrum

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